Kingdom Of Sea Shells

Fast dad. We are about to reach the beach”, cried Jack.

“Do not run so fast, else you will fall down”, said his father.

In no time Jack and his father arrived at the beach. It was a bright sunny morning.

Jack looked around and asked, “Dad, why is there no one at the beach?”

“Why do you always ask such weird questions?” asked his father.

Jack said, “Never mind. It is good that the beach is empty. I am going to collect sea shells.”

Saying this, Jack ran towards the sea. He started collecting whatever sea-shells he could see. He came across a huge sea-shell. It was sparkly, ochre in colour and had a few blackish stripes across its body.

Jack ran towards his father in excitement and said “Dad, see what a giant sea shell I got. But see, it is so dirty from behind. May I go and wash this in the sea?”

“Ok. But do not go far”, said his father.

Jack went ahead and put his hands into the water and washed the shell. After he took out the sea shell from the water all of a sudden two big black eyes appeared on sea shell and it spoke, “Thank you for taking me out of sand and washing me, boy.”

Jack’s eyes went wide with astonishment. “A talking sea-shell!” he said to himself. He could not believe his ears. 

The sea-shell continued, “I am the King of the Kingdom of Sea Shells. My name is Subarin. Would you like to see my Kingdom? It is deep inside the Arabian Sea.”

Jack was puzzled. “How you came here from deep inside the Arabian Sea?” he inquired.

King Subarin replied, “There is a gang named Danger Gang. They have been troubling us since many years. They set a storm in our Kingdom and, as a result, many of us came on to the surface of the sea and got stuck here in the sand. Thank you once again for taking me out. I will be happy if you come to see my Kingdom.”

Jack said, “I do not think I have time to go. I have to play here.”

“Please come,” insisted King Subarin. Finally, Jack agreed and King Subarin said a spell.
“Jhan Jhoon Jhin Jhan Jhoon,
Take me to the Kingdom of Sea Shells soon.”
Immediately, both of them went deep inside the Arabian Sea. Jack had never seen anything like this before. The place was so colourful and bright. There were coral reefs of all sizes and colours. There were many shells and colourful tiny huts everywhere. Everything looked so stunning.

“Welcome to my Kingdom”, said the king.

“King Subarin, how do you make colours?” questioned Jack

“We crush the coral reefs and take out its colour. The colour is then used to paint everything.” responded King Subarin.

Then, King Subarin climbed upon a very tall coral reef and shouted, “My dear shell-citizens, I am back. Your King is back. Gather in the Aqua Hall. I want to make an announcement.”
Everyone in the kingdom was joyful to have their King back. But still, every shell was very silent. They looked lifeless and started walking towards the Water Hall. Jack was very confused.

While walking towards the Aqua Hall, Jack asked King Subarin, “Why isn’t any shell speaking anything? Are you the only one who can speak here?”

“Sadly, yes. But, it was not like this before,” said King Subarin gloomily. 

“Once when I was visiting my friend’s kingdom with my Commander-in-chief, Danger Gang came here and chanted a spell. That spell sucked out lots of power from all the shells and used all the power to power the Power Shell. 

The Power shell is a very special shell. It can contain infinite power at time. That power is then used by Danger Gang to attack us. Danger Gang has kept the Power Shell with their boss, Mr. Danger. Their Base is somewhere in the Danger Valley. Since then, the shells have now become speechless, dull and weak.”

“That is so bad!” exclaimed Jack.

King Subarin continued, “I found out how to break the spell and even the place where they had hidden the Power Shell. All I needed to do was get that shell from its hidden place, keep all my shells near it and cast the spell to reverse the effect. But Danger Gang came to know about it. So, they set up a storm in my kingdom, as I told you earlier, and because of that I landed on the beach.”

Soon, all of the shells assembled in the Aqua Hall. A grand throne was kept against the wall on one side of the room. It had a red coloured back and golden-coloured arm rests. The back of the throne and both the arm rests where shaped liked a sea shell. It was studded with precious stones. King Subarin sat on the throne and started his speech.

“My shells, this boy has saved me. He took me out of the sand, cleaned me and got me back to life. The entire Kingdom of Sea Shells shall be always grateful to this boy. Now, I will set everything right. I will go and get the Power Shell and reverse the spell”, said the king happily.

Jack said, “I believe that if Danger Gang sees you they will know that you are back to get the Power Shell and undo the spell and will immediately hide the Power Shell somewhere else. But if I go to get it, they will not understand why I have come here and there will be higher chances of me successfully getting it. Besides as you told me, the Power Shell can only suck the powers of shells. Since I am not a shell, I guess, it can do no harm to me.”  

King Subarin liked Jack’s strategy. But he had a doubt. “How will you find out where you have to go to get the Power Shell?” interrogated King Subarin. 

All of a sudden the doors of the Aqua Hall threw open and a shell came running inside. He said loudly, “Oh my dear King! You are back. I am so glad.”

Jack wondered who this shell was. Unlike other shells, he was full of energy and could talk.

King Subarin was glad too, to see his Chief Commander, Comro back. Comro was not impacted by Danger Gang’s spell because he had gone with King Subarin to his friend’s kingdom when the spell was casted on the kingdom. King explained to Comro where the Power Shell is hidden and told Jack that Comro would take Jack there.

Soon, Jack and Comro left for their mission. On the way, Comro told Jack about the Danger Gang. The gang was led by Mr. Danger.  He were very cunning and wicked. In his team, there were two eye-like creatures called Hypno and Tise. They could hypnotise anyone who looks directly into their eyes. And, there was a very wicked shell called, Boss who gave orders to Hypno and Tise. Hypno, Tise and Boss guard the Power Shell in the Danger Valley.

While all this was happening, no one knew that Mr. Danger had already entered The Kingdom of Sea Shells. In his free time, he always came here to trouble the shells and have some fun. This time he could not see any shells around. He got astonished. After some time, he reached the Aqua Hall and found out that King Subarin was back. But fortunately, Jack and Comro had left the Aqua Hall by that time. He decided to go back to Danger Valley to tell his team to be alert because King Subarin was back and was planning to get the Power Shell.

In the meantime, Jack and Comro reached the place where the Power Shell was kept. They hid behind an enormous rock. They figured out that the Power Stone was kept on a large shiny stone. Their eyes then fell on Hypno, Tise and Boss. Hypno and Tise stood in front while Boss was sitting at the back on a stone. 

Suddenly, an idea struck Jack’s mind and he whispered the same in Comro’s ears. Then both of them walked near the eye-like creatures. In less than a minute, both the eye-like creatures pounced on Jack’s and Comro’s body and hypnotized them. Once hypnotized, Jack and Comro did what Hypno and Tise asked them to do.

The eye-like creatures took both of them to Boss. There was a rocket kept near Boss. When Boss saw Jack and Comro, he told the eyes to put both of them in the rocket and launch them to hell. Hypnotized Jack and Comro stood near the rocket with Hypno and Tise still stuck on them. 

As soon as Boss opened the rocket, Jack and Comro pulled out Hypno and Tise from their body, threw them and Boss inside the rocket and pressed the start button. 3…..2…..1….0 and the rocket took off.

Jack’s plan had worked. He had told Comro to shut his eyes as soon as they reach near the hypnotising eye-like creatures. Due to this their hypnotism didn’t affect them and they started acting as if they were hypnotised. Then, at the right moment, they acted and got rid of Boss and both the eye-like creatures. They hurriedly grabbed the Power Shell which was kept on the shining stone and happily started walking back to the Kingdom of Sea Shells.

Few moments after they left, Mr. Danger reached the spot where the Power Shell was hidden and was angry to see that it was gone.

Mr. Danger shouted, “Boss! Hypno! Tise! Where are all of you?” But he could not find anyone. He soon realized that even the rocket was missing. He immediately understood that Boss, Hypno and Tise must have been tricked and sent to Hell. He immediately decided to rush back to the Kingdom of Sea Shells.

While Jack and Comro were walking back to the Kingdom, suddenly someone caught hold of Comro from behind. Jack looked up and was shocked to see an enormous monster.

The monster looked terrifying. He was blood red in colour with long golden hair and huge silver wings. His big, green eyes looked very scary. He had long sharp teeth and claws. Seeing it standing so near, Jack shivered with fear. “Who is this terrifying monster?” Jack said to himself.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! You thought you got rid of me? The rocket took me to Hell where I met Death. Because I had mastered the art of hypnotising, I hypnotised him, and brought him here. Now he will help me snatch the Power Shell back from you”, said Hypno laughing evilly.   

Then, Death held Comro high up in air and roared in anger to Jack, “Give me the Power Shell boy, else I will throw and crush your friend.”

Jack said, “No. Here take the Power Shell but please leave my friend.” Saying this he sadly handed Power Shell to Death.

Death kept Comro down and left from there.

Comro exclaimed, “What did you do? Why did you give the Power Shell to him? Everyone could have been saved by sacrificing me.”

Jack replied calmly, “Do not worry Comro. I have given him a fake shell, from amongst the one I had picked up on the beach. They were still in my pocket.” 

“Here is the Power Shell,” said Jack taking out the real Power shell from another pocket.

“How clever of you!” said Comro.

Both of them again started walking towards the Kingdom. They soon reached there and saw that everyone was still waiting in the Aqua Hall. But as soon as they entered, suddenly Death, Hypno and Mr Danger also appeared.

Hypno said, “Ha! Ha! Ha! See I have the Power Shell. I have also hypnotized Death and have all his powers. King Subarin, now I will suck your power as well.” He turned at Mr. Danger and said, “Now you also be prepared. I will not work for you anymore. I am more powerful now. I will suck your power and destroy you as well. Ha! Ha! Ha!” and continued to laugh wickedly.

Then Hypno started moving his hand around the Power Shell and started saying the spell –
“Dhan Dhoon Dhan Dhoon,

Suck away everyone’s power soon”
But nothing happened. He repeated his spell again and again. Still, nothing happened.

Now, Jack could not control his laughter. He ran to King Subarin, handed over a shell to him and whispered something in his ears. He then said loudly, “Hypno look here. We will show you how spell works.” Hypno and Mr. Danger were totally confused.

King Subarin started saying his spell loudly-
“Dhan Dhoon Dhan Dhoon,

Give everyone’s power soon”
By the time Hypno realized that Jack has given him a fake shell and ran to snatch it from King Subarin, the spell was already spoken. It immediately had its effect and all the shells got their power back. 
Without wasting any time, Jack took the Power Shell from King Subarin and casted another spell.
“Dhan Dhoon Dhan Dhoon,
Suck away Hypno’s, Mr. Danger’s and Death’s power soon.” 
Soon all three of them became still, dull and lost all their powers.

“This was a clever move”, said King Subarin. He continued, “My shells, this boy has saved our entire Kingdom.”

Everyone was very happy. “Thank you Jack”, shouted every sea shell present there.

Comro said, “King Subarin till the time their power is in this Power Shell, we are not totally safe. They will keep trying to steal it and may succeed someday. So I suggest that we destroy the Power Shell”.

“Yes, it does make sense.” Saying so, he took the Power Shell from Jack’s hands and threw it on the ground. It broke it into pieces.

King Subarin said, “Jack you are our hero. Stay with us for some time and give us a chance to show our gratitude.”

“King Subarin, thank you but I need to go back to my world now. My father must be looking for me”, said Jack.

“Ok” said the King. “I cannot stop you.”

He then said a spell-
“Jhan Jhoon Jhin Jhan Jhoon,
Take Jack out of the Kingdom of Sea Shells soon.”

“Wake Up Jack. Wake Up”. 

Jack suddenly started hearing someone saying it continuously. Jack opened his eyes and saw his father next to him. He looked around. He was lying on the beach.

“What am I doing here?” questioned Jack.

“You have been sleeping on the beach, Jack. Get up. It is time for us to go back home” said his father.

Jack held his father’s hand, got up, brushed the sand off his clothes and started walking away from the beach. 

He turned back to look at the sea for a last time and in his mind he said bye to King Subarin and the entire Kingdom of Sea Shells.


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